Becoming a member of Tipmasters is an easy process and it can be very beneficial to you and your business efforts.

Our members are very supportive of other members and their support may not always be monetary in nature. You will be surrounded by other business leaders with many years of experience who will gladly offer their advice and suggestions on how you can improve your own business.To become a member of Tipmasters you must have a sponsor. This can be anyone who is currently an active member of Tipmasters. You can either browse the listings on this site to determine if you know one of our members, or you can email your request for membership to our President.

When you apply for Tipmasters membership, you need to select the category which you will be representing. The category you choose must be currently un-represented by any other member before you can be considered by the Board of Directors. After the Board approves to nominate you for membership, your application will be presented to the general membership for a vote to accept or deny your application.

Please remember that your acceptance as a member is contingent upon a number of factors including potential conflicts with other member categories. Any active member who believes your membership will conflict with their category may veto your application. If your application is rejected, it is not a rejection of you personally.

Another issue that may arise is that you may not be the only person applying for membership under a particular category. If this is the case, you may request that the Board consider you for a different category if you have a different segment of your business that is currently unfilled within Tipmasters.

Download A Membership Application